Tuesday, March 18, 2014

3/3/14 + 3/11/14 + 3/18/14 Meetings (A LOT OF STUFF)

Hey everybody! Sorry for being MIA. Schoolwork has been swamping us! Here are the meeting updates for the past three weeks:

1. Open House is on March 27th, a minimum day. Sign ups for the Open House Bake Sale and shifts at the event will start tomorrow, once we get a confirmation about the times from ASB. We will create a Google Docs document so that you can sign up online! Or else, we'll also make a physical sign-up sheet at the next meeting (25th). Please make sure to notify us of any special ingredients, in case of allergies (ex. peanuts). This is going to be really fun! We'll be setting up a UNICEF booth to greet incoming freshmen, and hopefully get them to join our club next year. Yes, the box costume will be present. We're giving out hours for bringing in baked goods and for staying a shift at the event, so come, come, come!

2. Due to a sudden change in the school schedules (Valencia decided to take out this week's minimum day, what in the world), Panda Express may have to be moved to the next minimum day on March 27th. Yes, it's the same day as Open House. We haven't received an email of confirmation yet though, so Panda Express is still set for this Friday, March 21st, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If it really does end up happening this Friday, go off-campus for lunch! Or, hurry over there right after school because it's ending at 4. Sorry for the inconvenience! We'll get back to you guys ASAP once Panda contacts us.

3. The M4D voting competition has finally begun! Members Rebecca Chen, Sabrina Wueste, and Victor Lava submitted an amazing video this year, so make sure to check it out. Guys, we're going to give you ONE HOUR just for voting for their video. So GO VOTE! Make sure to screenshot when you do so and send the picture to our email.

Click HERE to vote! Scroll down to the submission "VHS UNICEF Club - Child Protection (M4D)".

4. Mark your calendars! The annual SPRING SOAK is going to be held on the Friday before spring break: April 4th, right after school at Heritage Park from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. There will be sponge fights, pizza, and drinks! This fundraiser is being held to support UNICEF's Tap Water Project, a campaign that aims to provide every child with safe, drinkable water. All participants are encouraged to pay the minimum suggested donation amount of $10. This fee covers the food/drinks and donation to the Tap Project. Feel free to donate more.

Click here to download the information sheet and contract form.
** The contract form and money are due no later than Friday, March 28th! **

Ask your friends to come too, anyone is welcome and it's going to be a blast!

4. Don't forget to send us a snapshot of the hours you accumulated through the Tap Project app! We're adding up all your hours at the end of the semester, and this is a great opportunity to add to your list of service hours.


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