VHS Club Day 2016

Hello everyone! This is Jolie Ren and Tyler Adair, your Co-Presidents for Valencia UNICEF's 2016-2017 chapter, and welcome to Valencia UNICEF's blog, where we will regularly update on important meetings and information.

11/26/15 Meeting

THANK YOU FOR COMING TODAY!! I really appreciate the time you guys sacrifice to come and just spend time as UNIFAM.

VHS Club Day 2014: Photos!

Hello! This is Chaereen Pak, your UNICEF club president for the 2014-2015 year; a warm welcome to all of our new and returning members.

11/25/13 Meeting: The Grand Total!

HEY EVERYONE! So during today's meeting, we went over quite a handful: 1. SEE'S CANDIES FUNDRAISER IS UNDER WAY...

11/18/13 VHS Club Day 2013

Introducing: the grand launch of VHS UNICEF Club's official site. Welcome, to all of our new and returning members. Club Day was a complete success!

Monday, October 23, 2017

10/23/17: Meeting Recap

Hi UNICEF members!!

Here’s a recap of today’s meeting:

1. We introduced our assistant officers! Nessia (Arts), Kylie (Fundraising), Ava (Membership), and Hailey (Communications) will assist our current officers.

2. It’s October, so its time for Trick or Treat for UNICEF!! This year, UNICEF is partnering with Key Club and local elementary schools to raise money. Our goal is $3,000 to help children in need. This video encapsulates what Trick or Treat for UNICEF is all about; it raises money to provide food, water, medication, and education for underprivileged children in third-world countries. We passed out ToT boxes at our meeting, and if you weren’t here, you can pick one up in Mr. McKee’s room.

3. We have a fundraiser coming up at Chipotle on October 30th, from 4 pm to 8 pm, and we also have another one at Panda Express in November, which we’ll let you guys know more about at our next meeting. Please go to these fundraisers to support our club!

4 . During our discussion today, Lily showed this video and talked about the crisis in Myanmar and what we can do to help. If you weren’t aware, an ethnic minority group known as the Rohingya, a predominantly Muslim community, is being persecuted by Myanmar’s majority Buddhist government. The military is forcing the Rohingya out of their homes, burning down villages, and killing innocent people in what has been called an “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”. Thousands of Rohingya people are fleeing to nearby Bangladesh, where they are treated as refugees and stateless people. UNICEF is providing education and assistance in refugee camps and working to raise awareness about the plight of the Rohingya. If you’re interested in advocating for this cause and helping Rohingya children escape violence, you can donate to UNICEF here`.

Our next meeting will be Monday, November 6th, in Mr. McKee's room (516). If you haven't followed our social media yet, please do so at @vhsunicef (Instagram)and @valenciaUNICEF (Twitter), for club photos and important updates.

Monday, October 9, 2017

10/9: Meeting Recap

Hi UNICEF members!!

If you didn't have a chance to sign in today, here's the link. goo.gl/HeExjM

Here' s a recap of today's meeting:

1. We have an opportunity to volunteer at the Santa Clarita Marathon on November 5th. There are shifts available from 7:30 am - 1:30 pm. This is an easy way to get community service hours, which can be used for NHS as well. If you're interested in signing up for a shift, please contact our president, Neha. More information will be available at our next meeting.

2. We have a Chipotle fundraiser on October 30th, from 4 pm to 8 pm. Please go & tell your friends to help support our club and enjoy some burritos at the same time!! You can show your receipt at the next meeting to get one service hour.

3. It's time for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, where instead of candy, we collect donations for underprivileged children. At an upcoming meeting, we'll pass out boxes in which you can collect coins. Our goal for this year is to collect $300 to further UNICEF's message and benefit disadvanaged kids.

4. Assistant officer applications are now available here. Assistant officers help current officers and learn more about their position in hopes of getting that position in the future, and anyone is welcome to apply. Interviews will be held next week at lunch.

5. At our meeting, Angie showed this video and led a discussion about how getting an education is difficult for children in the developing world. Things that we take for granted, like a classroom, school supplies, and restrooms at school, are privileges in the developing world. 263 million children are out of school globally, and barriers to education prevent children from reaching their full potential. This is why organizations like UNICEF are so important; they are dedicated to making sure that all children can enjoy their right to an education through building schools, training teachers, providing supplies, and helping people see the value of educating every child.

Our next meeting will be Monday, October 23rd, in Mr. McKee's room (516). If you haven't followed our social media yet, please do so at @vhsunicef (Instagram) and @valenciaUNICEF (Twitter), for club photos and important updates.